Today, Alaska is often associated with a sport known all around the world – Dog Mushing. Learn more about modern day dog sled racing and the Gold Rush history at Alaska 360’s Dredge Town. Meet a seasoned musher and his team of sled dogs and puppies.

Sled dogs and so much more!

Sled dogs have always been a key part of the early transport system in Alaska and indeed, it is because other modes of transportation came to Alaska, that dog racing became the state sport in an effort to save the breed of sled dogs that were losing their necessary place in the state. You will meet canine athletes that have run the world-famous Iditarod race and experienced mushers. At the checkpoint tent, you will hear about the history of this sport and the sport today through personal stories and an amazing collection of all the gear necessary on long-distance races like the Iditarod.

The sled dogs and puppies are eagerly waiting to greet you. Meet the team and watch as the musher hooks them up to a sled for a practice run. They will demonstrate their discipline and enthusiasm with a fast lap around the track. Afterwards, you are invited to interact with the dogs and meet the next generation of puppies who are there for you to cuddle and hold. Puppy kisses guaranteed!